A Walk by the River

There is this river in my woods, it is very long and goes for many miles. I know this because I tracked it on Google maps. It seems to start from a big body of water in Gardner than makes its way here into Winchendon and it connects to many other little streams and brooks. It then branches off and heads into Baldwinville and Athol and also into Waterville. Anyways me and a friend decided to follow the river a little ways. There were yellow warblers, common yellowthroats, broad winged hawk, chimmney swifts, tree swallow, song sparrows, white throated sparrows, red winged blackbirds,cedar waxwings, warbling vireo, a blue mystery warbler,chickadees, red breasted nuthatch and bluejays, yellow rumped warblers and ovenbirds ( i callled another one out haha) There was also a female black and white warbler with food in it's beak. There were some lady's slippers, (I have heard it is a big year for them) lots of star flowers, canada mayflower and fringed polygalas. There were spring azures and Eastern Tiger swallowtails, other little moths, a couple spring darners,harvest men, a june bug, a dog tick, black flies, mosquitoes and of course many ants. There were baby oaks trees, birch trees, maple trees. There were also many galls and mushrooms all over the trees. Other plants along the trail were sweet fern, cinnamon fern, interrupted fern, lots of blueberries,poison ivy, serviceberry, bunch berry, rhodendrons and many more. There were chipmunks everywhere, scolding us as we went by and gray tree frogs were trilling in the trees and as we were by the river there were a couple green frogs glunking. It was a beautiful day and to make it better when I walked into my driveway I find a snowshoe hare under my porch!! Such beautiful sightings make hot afternoons just a little more

由使用者 jobird jobird2020年05月27日 22:05 所貼文


Google maps is a great tool for exploring. Ive used another app called Gia GPS and it is amazing as well as free! It is similar but also shows accurate elevation with contour lines and waterbodies. You can also assign points to the map which includes latitude and longitude. These points can then be personalized with a name of your choice. Assign them a name which can be cool if you want to keep track of your own findings and planning on keeping it to yourself for future projects/your own research. I wonder if there were any high Bush blueberries or whether they were all low bush (wild blueberry) .

發佈由 sophie342 超過 4 年 前

@sophie342 That's really neat!! i will have to check that out. They were mostly lowbush blueberries and a couple highbush blueberries.

發佈由 jobird 超過 4 年 前


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