Maps to Texas soil types

In my study of a couple of particular plant species it has been helpful to see soil maps and compare them with what is known about the plants' soil needs. I've been using USGS geologic maps overlayed on Google Earth. I thought some other folks might find this resource helpful.

  1. First, download the USGS Texas geologic KML file here:
    Click on the link for "txgeol.kml" Uncompressed version and save it to your computer (in a location you can find.)

  2. Next, navigate to Google Earth: If you have not used it before, it could take a while to download completely. (There should be a completion % at the bottom left of the screen.)

  3. Once Google Earth has completely loaded, find the symbol on the left side of the screen for "Projects". Click on "New Project" and select "Import from KML file on computer". Navigate to where you saved the txgeol.kml file earlier. Again, it may take some time to load the file. You will see it begin to add an overlay to the globe, but wait until it is at 100% before trying to search for a location.

  4. Once it's completely loaded, you can now search for an address or GPS coordinates. Right click on the location and a box will pop up telling you the name of the geologic group. Click on "Detailed description" to find out the soil composition and more details. Here's an example of the map view and the soil description:

由使用者 kimberlietx kimberlietx2020年10月05日 02:24 所貼文


Thanks for the tip! That's really to play with, too.

發佈由 naturemom 大約 4 年 前

Once you figure out how to import KML files there are a LOT of things you can do with it! Lightning strikes, volcanoes, eclipses, historical battles... it's endless!

發佈由 kimberlietx 大約 4 年 前


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