4/10-4/12 Field sketching

Today we worked with Maria Coryell Martin. She is an expeditionary artist who has traveled all over the world drawing animals and doing field sketches. Recently she went to a remote island in Greenland, and was able to see walruses and a polar bear. Her paintings are quite amazing, and she is able to create her own style, despite the fact they are for objective research. Although I am not the best at drawing, I really enjoy it, so it was great to get advice from someone as talented as Maria. We learned a few different methods to help us get our ideas on paper. Her main points were too not focus on detail too much, but rather the main ideas. The point of field sketches is to help remember what you saw, not to win an art competition. I found gesture sketches to be the best tool for this.
In the Union Bay Natural Area we were able to get some first hand practice. Despite being nice for most of the day, the clouds started to move in right as class began. We split off individually and were allowed to draw what ever we saw fit. I went into some bushes and found a Himalayan black berry to draw. I think the sketch turned out well, although I took too much time doing it and was unable to spend as much time as I would have liked on the other exercises. Being that drawing is something I enjoy, I think it is a good way for me to get more involved and become more mindful of natural history.

由使用者 beardendb beardendb2012年05月01日 07:02 所貼文




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