Marchantia polymorpha

Marchantia polymorpha subsp. montivagans is the largest of the three currently distinguished subspecies, up to 2 cm wide, in dense mats, pale or yellow-green when young, but become brown or purple when old, thick and stiff. The upper surface is covered with clear dots, it's air pores.

The other two Marchantia polymorpha subspecies differ in size and in the presence of a visible black centerline.

Subsp. polymorpha resembles subsp. montivagans, but has a thinner texture, up to 12 mm wide and a wide, visible center line.

Subsp. ruderalis, up to 15 mm wide, with a central black line that is irregularly developed and often broken. It is the most numerous, most widespread and known of three subspecies.

由使用者 radekwalkowiak radekwalkowiak2021年02月09日 13:33 所貼文


Thanks, great and educational info.

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