March 10, 2021 - North side

March 10, 2021 (Wednesday), 1:15-2:45pm

53 dead newts (2 of which were juveniles), 2 live newts!
Other roadkill: 1 toad

Weather: Rained this morning and last night, a sprinkle when I started, partly cloudy and in the 50s the rest of the time, beautiful dramatic clouds.

Traffic: 25 moving vehicles, 8 parked, 4 quarry trucks, 1 bicycle, 1 jogger

Surprisingly few newts, given that it rained pretty well last night, mostly fresh. The two live newts were on the reservoir side of the road, moving away from the reservoir, and both appeared to be male.

由使用者 newtpatrol newtpatrol2021年03月11日 00:54 所貼文




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