Red-winged Blackbirds and Sandhill Cranes!

Temperatures in the 50's and familar sounds of red-winged blackbirds coming from the wetland. We could hardly believe it. The scope confirmed what we knew to be our first signs of their return! Red-winged blackbirds at the Black hole nature preserve. Spring was on its way back to our county.

Just down the road we took a photograph of two sandhill cranes. They were at a piece of land that has been set aside for wetland restoration. What a great site to see!

Deer were everywhere in small gatherings. Everything is still shades of brown. Very little has budded out yet, but we all know that it is a matter of days now, not months.

Up in Mackinac City the eagles are crossing the straits. Numbers of Bald eagles and Golden eagles have been growing. Next will be the hawks. Migration is coming to the north.

And our winter visitors are moving on. The snowy owl has not been seen in some time.

Another year! Another season! The parade of life continues...

由使用者 friendofnature2 friendofnature22021年03月11日 14:13 所貼文




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