Beautiful discoveries.

Each member of our team sees beauty in different places and it has been amazing to see the world through each different lens. One member finds beauty in they are layered, the different shapes of different types of feathers, and the colors. Another member finds beauty in fish...spots, shape, colors, and how they reflect light.

Our youngest member has recently been seeking out beach glass or "sea glass" when we are out exploring our world. I never thought much about beach glass before she showed it to me. I am usually looking for Petoskey stones, crayfish and frogs, birds, and other things...but she helped me see a different kind of beauty. The glass is just ordinary glass...someone's broken glass bottle that has made its way into our lakes, yet it is transformed by weather, waves, rocks and sand. It is smooth with polished edges. She shows me how it is different than "parking lot glass" which has sharp edges and has not been transformed by nature into her treasures. She has a wooden treasure chest that contains beach glass of different sizes in different jars, an assortment of beautiful colors and shapes that were created by time and change. They are beautiful.

It is good that we all find beauty in different things. I have recently finished reading a wonderful book Beauty and the Soul, by Pierro Ferrucci. He writes, "The more we can perceive beauty in our surroundings, and also inside us, the more we feel at home and glad to exist. Some perceive beauty in the sound of rain and shape of clouds, in people's faces and voices, in birdsong and the rustling of leaves. Some see it in modern design or ancient embroidered silk..." I am inspired by each of our team and by so many others who daily help me find beauty in our world. May each of us find beauty everyday in someone or something that we encounter.

由使用者 friendofnature2 friendofnature22021年04月05日 11:15 所貼文




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