Celebrating National Moth Week

Did you know that July 17 to July 25 is National Moth Week?

This week started in 2012 by members of a non-profit in New Jersey, and is now recognized all over the world. National Moth Week was created to shine some light on “the beauty, life cycles, and habitats of moths”.

Moths are part of a group of insects called Lepidoptera, which means 'scaly-winged'. There are around 160,000 species of moths in the world! Since they are so plentiful, there have been many moth sightings in the Humber Arboretum. Below are all 21 of the different moth species that have been spotted throughout the Arboretum over the years. By clicking on each species name, there will be all of the sightings from the Humber Arboretum Atlas Project.

Isabella Tiger Moth

LD Moth

Hickory Tussock Moth

Banded Tussock Moth

American Dagger Moth

Box Tree Moth

Pandorus Sphinx Moth

Polyphemus Moth

Ailanthus Webworm Moth

Orange Mint Moth

Ruby Tiger Moth

Geometer Moth

Clover Looper Moth

Virginian Tiger Moth

Imperial Moth

Forest Tent Caterpillar Moth

Virginia Ctenucha Moth

Plusiine Looper Moth

Fall Webworm Moth

Morning-glory Plume Moth

Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth

  • Nicole Carbone, Humber Arboretum Student Content Creator
由使用者 humberarboretum humberarboretum2021年07月25日 18:12 所貼文




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