Chasing Eagles (New Lifer!)

Last night at around 7:00 PM, I was walking around my neighborhood with my camera, looking for crepuscular creatures. At the beginning of my "expedition," I saw a bunch of little birds in groups flying very high up, most likely chimney swifts but I'm not positive. Besides that, I didn't see anything aside from a common nighthawk right above my house as I was stepping in the door. I guess that was also a cool lifer, though.

BUT, the main point of this journal post is that I saw an animal I've always wanted to see, which I surprisingly haven't seen (in the wild, as far as I can remember)... a bald eagle. And that night I saw one without knowing. Or at least I'm pretty sure. I saw a very large black silhouette flying around, which I initially thought was a plane at first glance. It became apparent it was a bird, though.

Today I decided to go out at dusk again and see what I could find. And lo and behold, I saw the bird again. I snapped some quick pictures as it flew above surrounding houses; admittedly, they were pretty blurry as the eagle was flying at a moderately fast speed. If I've seen it twice, or at least an eagle twice in a row by my house, it makes sense to check for them tomorrow at the same time.

Here's to bald eagles and many more interesting lifers!

由使用者 pinefrog pinefrog2021年09月09日 02:44 所貼文






9月 2021


I'm 99% sure I saw this last night, but I wasn't able to take a picture of it then. I don't know the exact size because it was high up, but it seemed a lot bigger than any flying birds I've ever seen. (Also, sorry some parts of the picture are blurry! Autofocus isn't very nice to me.)




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