North section - 12/20/2021

Monday, 12/20/2021, 2:15pm - 4:15pm
185 dead newts, 0 live newts, 1 juvenile
Weather: chilly and dry the past few days
Traffic: 16 cars, 8 parked cars, 7 bikes, 3 big trucks, 1 pedestrian

I didn't expect so many newts, since it's been dry lately, but I guess they're just on the move. A majority of them were rather dry and hard to remove from the road, the rest somewhat fresh. A much larger proportion were on the side of the road further from the reservoir. Not much traffic. It's nice to see more water in the reservoir.

由使用者 newtpatrol newtpatrol2021年12月21日 02:55 所貼文




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