North Section - 1/18/2022

Jim and I walked the north side. Jim started at 9:00 but I was late at 9:45 (sorry Jim!). Temp was 50 degrees and it was foggy. We finished at noon.

Total: 221 dead newts, 1 live newt
Live newt was on the reservoir side of the road so we moved him off the road towards the reservoir. He wasn't moving (but unhurt) and his skin seemed dry so we wet him down and put him on a wet section of dirt. When we returned on the way back he was gone.
90% of the dead newts were on the hill side of the road

Other stats:
6 trucks
2 walkers
14 cars
2 parked cars
3 bicyclists

Other road kill:
1 jerusalem cricket
Lots of splotches that could have been newts already removed from the road, banana slugs or centipedes

My observations are here:

由使用者 monicarichards monicarichards2022年01月19日 01:29 所貼文




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