Wonderful Migration!

Jeremiah 8:7 Even the stork that flies across the sky knows the time of her migration, as do the turtledove, the swallow, and the crane. They all return at the proper time each year.

Redhead Duck
© Photographer: William Wise | iNat Observation: 19396155 - Redhead Ducks; Walton County, Georgia. January 2, 2019.

Creation is filled with wonders, and not in the least is the wonder of migration. It seems the Creator has programmed this urge to come-and-go with the seasons within many of the creatures.

Migration is a great thing for birds and wildlife. When food sources run low because of winter or because of drought, migration allows species to move to another land of plenty until things turn around. Migration also allows animals to move to the best suited habitat for breeding or over-wintering.

Migration is also a great thing for photographers! Migration "rotates the stock" of wildlife subjects for photographers. A bird that is absent one day may suddenly show up on the wings of fall or spring migration. Each season brings a whole new host of photo subjects right into your area. I can walk out my back office back door and photograph a Great Blue Heron almost any time of the year. But wait until January and the wonder of migration makes a group of Redhead Ducks magically appear where they weren't the day before!

And oh the wonders of spring and fall migration! Warblers, warblers, warblers everywhere; alive in bright colors of yellow, black and white! Migration is wonderful software programmed within each species by our Creator!

由使用者 williamwisephoto williamwisephoto2022年01月27日 17:32 所貼文




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