The Plunge

Hooded Mergansers
© Photographer: William Wise | iNat Observation: 105663373 - Hooded Mergansers; Walton County, Georgia. January 8, 2014.

By late December, only a few ducks began showing up on the retention pond behind my office. There were, of course, our resident Mallards that stayed all year, but no migrating Redheads or Mergansers had stopped in. Then it happened: COLD!

Friday– low of 20 degrees F; Saturday, 24 degrees; Sunday 33 degrees. Then another plunge! The next few mornings hit single digit temperatures! I realize that may be normal in other places, but here in the southeastern United States, that’s cold! I had never seen every pond I passed totally frozen over before. Even the large pond behind my office froze over with a 1-inch thick layer of ice.

Hooded Mergansers
© Photographer: William Wise | iNat Observation: 105663371 - Hooded Mergansers; Walton County, Georgia. January 8, 2014.

And the cold brought more ducks! Our five resident Mallards were now accompanied by three visiting Hooded Mergansers. The frozen pond had confined them to a ten-foot wide opening in the ice right out the back door of my office. Being so skittish, I seldom had opportunity to get close up shots of the Mergansers. But their limited swimming space afforded me some great photo opportunities.

The Mergansers were obviously nervous and agitated being confined so close to my presence. They normally move to the far end of the pond away from any human activity. But the little ice whole only gave them two choices: fly off to look for other clear water, or sit tight. They nervously paddled back and forth in their little ten foot opening, frequently plunging their heads in the water to vent their nervous frustration. I got some great shots to add to my life list. Within a few more days the ice melted, the Redheads returned, and the Mergansers had the full pond to once again avoid my presence.

Walton County, Georgia, USA

由使用者 williamwisephoto williamwisephoto2022年01月29日 13:06 所貼文




棕脇秋沙鴨 (Lophodytes cucullatus)




1月 8, 2014 08:26 EST


Two males and 1 female in one small opening on the frozen pond. Wednesday, January 8, 2014. Walton County, Georgia ©



棕脇秋沙鴨 (Lophodytes cucullatus)




1月 8, 2014 12:42 EST


Two males and 1 female in one small opening on the frozen pond. Wednesday, January 8, 2014. Walton County, Georgia ©




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