From the Deepest Wilderness, to the Most Crowded Cities

“​The beauty of birds is that they are everywhere, from the deepest wilderness to the most crowded inner cities.” - Noah Strycker

The great thing about enjoying birds is that you can experience that joy just about anywhere you go! Even if we’re shut indoors at a meeting or conference, we can simply pick the seat next to the window and find our avian friends flitting about outside. In his chapter in the book Good Birders Still Don’t Wear White, author and birder Noah Strycker (@flammulated) wrote, “The beauty of birds is that they are everywhere, from the deepest wilderness to the most crowded inner cities.”

Eastern Bluebird
© Photographer: William Wise | iNat Observation: 37676971 - Eastern Bluebird; Walton County, Georgia. January 9, 2020.

And the great thing about being a Christian is that we can engage with our Creator anywhere we are! Whether we are admiring His handiwork on a nature hike, lifting up His name in organized worship, or slipping into a closet during a stressful day at work to call upon His name, our God is ever-present.

In the book of Psalms, David wrote, “If I go up to heaven, you are there; if I go down to the grave, you are there. If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, even there your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me” (Psalm 139:8-10). Just like the birds, “from the deepest wilderness, to the most crowded cities”, our God is there!

由使用者 williamwisephoto williamwisephoto2022年02月13日 13:57 所貼文


Thanks William, this is a great reminder that I will take with me as I walk in busyness of life or in solitude in nature.

發佈由 jason_miller 超過 2 年 前


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