Observations of the week (06.03.2022 - 12.03.2022)

Hello everyone! This is the third "Observations of the Week" post of the Biodiversity of South India Project!
Here they are in order:

  1. A Near-threatened and Endemic Rusty-spotted Cat (Prionailurus rubiginosus) from Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh by @dryocopus.
    This observation received 6 votes on our WhatsApp group, the highest number!

  2. An endangered Malabar Silurus (Pterocryptis wynaadensis) from Karnataka by @girishgowda.
    This observation, uploaded this week, received votes on our WhatsApp group.

  3. Asian House Martins (Delichon dasypus) from Kannur, Kerala by @afsarnayakkan, one of the members of the group.
    An addition to the avifauna of South India, it received 1 vote on our WhatsApp group (not from him. He actually didn't vote)!

A few other observations were also selected. Here they are:

A critically endangered plant, Dipterocarpus bourdillonii, from Tamil Nadu by @navendu.

A congregation of Subfamily Ophioninae wasps from Kasavanahalli, Karnataka by @csbandi.

Wonderful observations everyone! :)

Here's the link for the project members who haven't joined the WhatsApp group:

由使用者 samrudhnandagopal samrudhnandagopal2022年03月13日 13:09 所貼文


@afsarnayakkan uncle, would you mind posting the link of the Asian House Martin paper here for people to see? :)

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