South section - 03/15/2022

South section - 03/15/2022
Conducted survey of the South section from 8:30 am - 11:15 am.

Weather: Light drizzle (0.01" rain for the first 30 minutes.

Observers: Robin and Merav

Newts: 30 dead adult newts plus 1 dead juvenile. Two live newts.

Non-newts: Sierran Tree Frog, juvenile Alligator Lizard, Western Fence Lizard, two caterpillars, a few Jerusalem Crickets. Also found my first Ceanothus Silk Moth cocoon on a roadside bush, which was cool.

Documented Human Activity:
Cars: 23
Bikes: 3
Conversations with locals about newts: 1

由使用者 anudibranchmom anudibranchmom2022年03月16日 14:52 所貼文



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