Raccoon Encounter April 3, 2012

Excerpt from my nature journal on April 3, 2012...

© Photographer: William Wise | iNat Observation: 19859617 - Common Raccon; Walton County, Georgia. April 3, 2012.

“Come here! Quick!” I got up from my desk and scooted along in haste from my office at the rear of the Animal Control admin building. “You’ve got a friend under your car.” I slowed my pace in disappointment figuring it was just one of the many stray cats dumped out after hours at our animal shelter. But as I looked, “Now that’s no cat!”

A gangly raccoon (Procyon lotor) was tip-toeing around the parking lot, sniffing, prowling, scratching the ground. I ran back to my office for my Nikon. As I came out the front door, he hunched up his back and gave me an, “I see you!” look. Of course, not following my own animal control wisdom occasionally dolled out to elementary school children, I approached a wild raccoon that was out-and-about in broad daylight. A site that makes many afraid!

© Photographer: William Wise | iNat Observation: 19859617 - Common Raccon; Walton County, Georgia. April 3, 2012.

Despite popular belief, it isn’t necessarily true that any animal seen in daylight has rabies. In the spring and summer months, many species of wildlife, even the nocturnal, are forced into daylight excursions on the hunt for food to feed their recently born offspring. Crepuscular animals may also be seen foraging on overcast days. But whether rabid or not, they are wild animals, not pets, and trying to pet them is just, well, foolish.

I didn’t suspect our parking lot raccoon of rabies. As I approached, he continued his searching and smelling with frequent glances in my direction. Eventually, the closer I got, he casually sauntered back down the willow lined drainage ditch leading to the woods behind the shelter, being more weary and afraid of me than I was of him.

For many it would have been a fearful encounter with a rabid animal. For me, it was a photo-op and a little bit of joy encountering one of His creatures… even if it was out in the middle of the day!

由使用者 williamwisephoto williamwisephoto2022年04月03日 20:39 所貼文




浣熊 (Procyon lotor)




4月 3, 2012 10:34 EDT


2012 nature journal; Walton County, Georgia. ​“You’ve got a cat under your car.” But as I looked, “Now that’s no cat!” ... http://williamwisephoto.com/photographyblog/raccoon-encounter




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