Field Sketching

Lat: 47.65520606989774, Lon: -122.30810444799601
Day, 2012

Today we learned about field sketching from Maria Coryell-Martin. She goes on expeditions with teams and sketches where they are and what they're looking at. I thought that sounded like one of the coolest jobs; traveling and drawing and getting paid!

Anyway, Maria taught us techniques she uses in her sketches and drawings/paintings. There are gesture, subjective, and objective sketches, contouring and value.

With the gesture sketches, Maria had Josh make a bunch of poses and we were supposed to do rough sketches of them. Gesture sketching is when you use squinting, rhythm, and measuring with something like your pencil or arm to get the big ideas and shapes of whatever you're sketching. It is very rough and just used to draw things really quickly so you can come back to them later for more detail.

When we did contour sketches we drew our hands. Contour sketching is when you draw where edges come together or “anywhere an ant may crawl.” We tried blind contouring our hands where we closed our eyes and tried to picture and draw hand without lifting the pencil. Mine was really bad, but when we did normal contour sketching with looking, my hand drawing was a lot better.

We also learned about value. Value is the amount of pencil you use when sketching if you don’t have actual colors for coloring or shading. The darks are supposed to be really dark and the lights are supposed to be really light in order to enhance the contrast and depth of whatever you’re sketching.

Species List:
Red-winged blackbirds

由使用者 lisad22 lisad222012年06月01日 21:34 所貼文




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