Wildflower Season 2022

Hello again, folks!
It's that time of year when we all start itching to get outdoors. Wildflowers can provide a special connection with nature for almost anyone. You may have flowers in your own backyard, or you may enjoy traveling to exotic destinations (like Bays Mountain Park?) in search of special plants.

The spring ephemerals are a fascinating group of plants. They employ the strategy, "Live fast and die young!" In the deep shade of our forests, many plants come up before the trees get their leaves. They come up, bloom, produce seed and "die" (they actually go dormant) in a relatively short span of time in early spring. This lifestyle can be a gamble with the weather. Extreme cold, like we had in early March, may freeze leaves and flower buds. Low temperatures or incessant rains may mean fewer insect pollinators. As our climate changes, these extremes of weather will become more pronounced.

While we have flowers blooming every month of the year, spring is one of the best opportunities to view many species in a short time span. Our naturalist-led Wildflower Hikes are a perfect way to see what's blooming in different areas of Kingsport.

Once again, ourWildflower Hikes will be held in three locations: Bays Mountain Park, Laurel Run Park, and the Exchange Place. Every hike will leave at 10 a.m. from the below locations:

April 4: Laurel Run Park
April 8: Bays Mountain Park
April 11: Exchange Place
April 15: Laurel Run Park
April 18: Bays Mountain Park
April 22: Exchange Place
April 25: Laurel Run Park
April 29: Exchange Place
For hikes at Bays, meet in the Nature Center. At the Exchange Place, meet at the Greenbelt trailhead off Orebank Road. Hikers at Laurel Run should meet in the main parking lot. Please dress for the weather and be prepared to hike for about two hours, covering 2-3 miles (most often less distance). We will hike rain or shine!

Pre-registration is required. Tickets can be purchased online ( https://www.baysmountain.com/events/ ), by phone (423-229-9447), or in-person at the Nature Center Gift Shop. The cost is $3 per person.

Keep an eye on iNaturalist! You folks provide an important resource for your fellow naturalists. You can easily see what is blooming and where it is located in the area. If you can't make it to one our hikes, take your friends and family out on your own little adventure.

I hope to see you at the park this year!

由使用者 rangerbob13 rangerbob132022年04月05日 22:17 所貼文




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