Headed out west for Grand Circle Trip through NV, AZ, and UT!

My family (me, husband, daughter, and parents) is flying to Las Vegas, renting an RV, and then going to Lake Mead, the Grand Canyon, Canyonlands, Arches, Bryce Canyon, Zion, and Valley of Fire. If any iNaturalists out that way want to meet up, message me with your email address and I can share our itinerary. We leave TODAY—I'm at the airport now!

I’m super excited about adding tons of observations on this trip, especially now that the new uploader makes it easier to add a lot at once. Also, I’m pretty clueless about western ecosystems, so I anticipate needing a lot of ID help.

This is a much-anticipated vacation after much hard work for BioBlitz. I’m incredibly excited about exploring this new-to-me part of the U.S.!

由使用者 carrieseltzer carrieseltzer2016年05月31日 10:00 所貼文


Have a great trip, Carrie - you certainly deserve it after your heroic bioblitz efforts! Looking forward to virtually experiencing these great parks through your observations.

發佈由 forester93 超過 8 年 前

Ditto to everything @forester93 says! I think I'm almost as excited as you are--can't wait to see what you find!

發佈由 maryeford 超過 8 年 前

You will have a fantastic trip! I look forward to seeing your observations.

發佈由 jtuttle 超過 8 年 前

And..did the new uploader work ? From observado.org and waarneming.nl i have some observations..but stopped in 2015 after serveral failures.
The new iNaturalist iPhone app is amazing..althought it does not recognise always the good species.

發佈由 ahospers 超過 7 年 前

Hi @ahospers! The uploader is more than a year old now and I have definitely found it much easier than the old observation page. You should check it out!

發佈由 carrieseltzer 約 7 年 前

Thanks for you reply. I am looking for your comment but here is at least the answer about Crucianalla https://observation.org/waarneming/view/140246237

發佈由 ahospers 約 7 年 前


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