North section - 04/06/2022

Wednesday, 9:10-11:25 no live newts. 8 dead newts.
I walked with my brother!
Weather: nice, but you could feel it's going to get hot.
Coverage: from the Jones Trailhead parking lot to the second stop sign.
Newts: we documented 7 newts on the hill side, and 1 on the reservoir side. All were very dry. No juveniles.
The CA newt egg clusters in the little pond by Limekiln trail - eggs are more developed, water level is getting low! I'm not sure how long they could survive. Many of the clusters are already above the water level.
Other roadkills: centipede, caterpillars, fence lizard.
Traffic: 25 cars, 8 trucks, 0 motorcycles, 5 bikes, 6 pedestrians, 10 parked cars (0 cars in the farthest parking lot).
We went down to see limekiln, and saw dozens of toad tadpoles, some frog tadpoles, an adult tree frog, and 8 happy newts.
My observations of the day -

由使用者 merav merav2022年04月06日 21:32 所貼文




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