South Section - 4/14/2022

The South Section - April 14, 2022
Walked from Aldercroft Road to the stop sign.
Time: 9:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Weather: Cloudy, temp not recorded
Observers: Robin Agarwal, Merav Vonshak

Newts: 31, mostly dried. No live newts.

Non-newt species:
1 Wild Turkey AOR
2 Western Fence Lizards
1 Arboreal Salamander
1 California Slender Salamander
2 Cicadas
Crickets, Millipedes, caterpillars

(And a DOR Broad-footed Mole was recorded on Aldercroft Heights Road: )

Human Activity: 12 cars, 3 trucks, 3 bikes, no construction. One nice conversation with a fisherman, who knew about our project and said he noticed newts in the reservoir.

由使用者 anudibranchmom anudibranchmom2022年04月15日 00:46 所貼文




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