Eastern Bluebird Nest

Whilst visiting family in Indiana last week, I had the pleasure of observing a bluebird couple figure out the ins and outs of avian parenting. Well, not quite yet. These bluebirds were very choosy about which nesting box to use, but eventually, they settled on one in the front yard. I never got to see the nest with just one egg, but on the first day I checked, there were two precious, perfectly-shaped turquoise eggs. I approached the nesting box tentatively, making sure the parents weren't in the nest or watching nearby. I opened the little door and peered inside the nest - and sure enough, there were two eggs. The next day, I did the same thing and was greeted by a newly laid egg, joining its future siblings. This went on for two more days, each day with a new little bird. Most Eastern Bluebirds usually lay four to five eggs at a time. Most Bluebird mothers new to parenting tend to only lay four, so I'm not sure what this says about the female's age. I hope that I get to see the Bluebird chicks grow up and start families of their own. The eggs are beautiful.

If you'd like to see pictures of the nest every day with a growing amount of eggs to hatching, click here.

(Side note: I also think it's rather impressive how the computer vision was able to recognize what species had laid the eggs, don't you?)

Edit 5/4/22: Around May 2, they hatched!!

由使用者 pinefrog pinefrog2022年04月18日 16:00 所貼文


Nice, I loved the egg color(Like I already said). I don't remember did you have any observations of the parents?

發佈由 bk-capchickadee12 超過 2 年 前

@bk-capchickadee12 I love the color too! I'm not sure if I have observations of the parents. I think I might have pictures somewhere. Though there are other bluebirds around on the property so I'd have to see them interacting with the nesting box to be sure, most likely. I can look.

發佈由 pinefrog 超過 2 年 前


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