Everyone's Back for the Summer

Made a lot of animal observations so far during the later part of April that I was really excited about, but couldn't take pictures due to driving or the animals being too far away for my cellphone's camera or running/flying off. But I wanted to record them here!
-Turkey vulture (first turkey vultures I've seen this season! Saw several in a tree and near a deer carcass in a ditch. My favorite bird species; I was thrilled to see them!).
-Red fox (ran across Hwy 73 south of Cromwell)
-Bald eagles (many sightings, mostly at roadkill deer carcasses)
-Wild turkeys (many sightings of groups and one lone individual once - another favorite animal/bird of mine)
-Sandhill cranes (flying overhead and in an ag. field)
-Wood ducks
-Hooded merganser ducks
-Many, many mallards
-Many, many Canadian geese
-Many, many white-tailed deer
-Unknown raptor species alongside the bald eagles at deer carcass. I wasn't able to identify without having a picture to upload. Gotta work on raptor ID for sure.

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