Snake in the Grass

Nature journal excerpt from April 30, 2018...

Hooded Mergansers
© Photographer: William Wise | iNat Observation: 78368753 - Eastern Ratsnake; Walton County, Georgia. April 30, 2018.

Monday, 4:29 PM- A nice, warm 75° with bright sun. Walking up to the ponds before leaving for the day. I pause to see a dead Catfish laying next to the pond. His skin has become tight and dry like an Egyptian mummy as it lay in the afternoon sun.

Something draws my glance a few feet to the left. Perhaps it was some sort of imperceptible movement, but my eyes were directed to the tall grass from whence a 3 foot Black Ratsnake is emerging.

Normally I’d reach down to grab it for a few photos. But instead of disturbing his afternoon crawl, I shot some photos there in the grass.

Walton County, Georgia

  • Sunny with high near 75°. Clear tonight, low 50°
  • Sunrise 6:45 AM, sunset 8:16 PM
  • Day length: 13 hours, 30 minutes
由使用者 williamwisephoto williamwisephoto2022年05月02日 19:12 所貼文




東方豹斑蛇 (Pantherophis alleghaniensis)




4月 30, 2018 16:30 EDT


Walton County, Georgia ©

  • Sunny with high near 75°. Clear tonight, low 50°
  • Sunrise 6:45 AM, sunset 8:16 PM
  • Day length: 13 hours, 30 minutes




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