Less than 2 weeks left! Status update.

There is less than 2 weeks left for the 2022 Personal Bioblitz, which ends on May 15. Then you have 1 week to upload and ID all the things you saw March 1 - May 15 on iNaturalist, but start now..!

If you are like me you have photos in your camera, on your phone, and know some common things you see everyday but not yet have acted upon as observations (hello weeds! Canada geese! human! White oak!). Get them uploaded so we can see what our maximum together-data can be this year.

Currently we have
47252 observations (wow)
7209 species (will be break 8000?)
and 106 people are participating.

Every observation counts!

There has been some movement on the leaderboards, and you can check that out on the project's home page. More things can still happen! We have many people with over 700 species so far, impressive! Sara Rall @srall has a secure lead in number of observations, not surprisingly. We are also grateful to Sandy Wolkenberger @sadawolk who has identified over 4500 observations within our project!

After May 22 we will summarize the data after cleaning up any problematic data. Please do your part by avoiding to report cultivated plants, pets, and other non-allowed observations (see our website for full info). The final results will be posted on the project page on iNaturalist, in our Facebook group, and sent out via our mailing list after June 1.

Keep iNatting, you never know what you might find!

Take care!

由使用者 vilseskog vilseskog2022年05月03日 16:44 所貼文




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