Keep On Singing

Around noon time, in the heat of the day, I heard a Red-eyed Vireo singing his sweet melody without stopping. While other birds were hushed for their afternoon siesta, the Red-eyed Vireo kept on singing. It seemed as if he were not about to grow weary from singing! In fact, it actually kept him going throughout the day. It taught me a very important lesson; singing keeps us going throughout the day. But not just singing any song; singing praises to our Redeemer just like the Red-eyed Vireo. When you feel down, when Satan tries to discourage you, and when it seems like everybody else is sleeping, keep on singing! Think about when Paul and Silas were thrown in jail. Can you guess what they did? They sang! Their singing made a big impact on the other prisoners who were just focused on their pain. (see Acts 16) Don't focus on your pain; don't focus on the heat of the day; but focus on praising Jesus through song!

由使用者 prestonthomas prestonthomas2022年05月06日 19:33 所貼文






4月 21, 2022




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