UBNA, University of Washington - Seattle Campus, Seattle, WA. 2012/5/17

Union Bay Natural Area, University of Washington - Seattle Campus, Seattle, WA. 15:50.

Yet again we were fortunate enough to be able to meet up with Joe for another tour of the University of Washington. We hoped to have some moisture, which we did not have the previous week. Upon meeting up with Joe in his office on the second floor of Johnson Hall it was time to head out towards the Union Bay Natural Area.

It was decided upon that our path would weave through the UW campus in order to see the maximum amount of wood chip piles, so as to see what kinds of mushrooms would be present.

Alas, there simply was no moisture in the air. The fungi had not seen water, and thus they were not fruiting. Those that had already fruited, such as the many Agrocybe praecox on campus were nearly all fractured and crisp from the intense sunlight overhead. Save for a few individuals in shaded areas, there was not much to see. Joe seemed to be very disappointed that there were hardly any healthy mushrooms around. We resolved to continue towards the Union Bay Natural Area, where there would perhaps be a bit of hope for our project.

We started our UBNA tour looking at a patch of wood chips to the north of Conibear Shellhouse, the UW crew headquarters. Whilst we were there we saw many small Leratiomyces percevalii, some of which were adults and some of which were growing as young buds. We also saw many Coprinopsis, or Inky Caps growing amongst the Leratiomyces. There seemed to be fewer of them, but all of the mushrooms in the patch seemed to be doing okay despite the lack of moisture...perhaps because it is located so close to the water? We did not see much else today, but the Conibear patch has given us hope for the UBNA. If we find more next Wednesday we will assuredly be bringing our classmates back for our tour. I think all of us in the group are crossing our fingers for a bit of rain before then!

Species Observed:

Agrocybe Praecox
Leratiomyces percevalii

由使用者 ablevins ablevins2012年06月05日 15:13 所貼文




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