Daily Account #9- 76th St. NW and Linden Ave

5/16- today i decided to talk a walk in my sister's neighborhood of greenlake, down 76th ave NW between Linden and Fremont Ave, and observe some of the plants that were lining the sidewalk. i tried to distinguish between what looked planted and what looked wild, just to see what kinds of wild or invasive species exist in the urban environment as well as forested areas.

it was a fairly warm, sunny day in the 60s F, little to no wind, a dry day overall (not muggy). i found that most plants were horticultural, but i did see a number of species that were either invasive or wild. among them were wild hyacinths (bluebells?) that i saw growing in some peoples' front lawns where the grass was longer (uncut), morning glory (bindweed) choking other plants, dandelions (in lawns and also in cracks on the sidewalk), pansies were growing wild in cracks in the sidewalk as well, stinky bob was also seen growing as a weed in some unkempt yards, english ivy and salal were occasionally spotted growing on/about rocky structures or ledges that people had in the front of their yards, and i also saw a lot of candytuft that didn't always look very intentional/spreads quickly, but was probably planted there.

species list:
Wild hyacinth (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)
Morning glory (Ipomoea)
Dandelion (Taraxacum erythrospermum)
English ivy (Hedera helix)
Stinky bob (Geranium robertianum)
Bleeding heart (Lamprocapnos spectabilis)

由使用者 akumar akumar2012年06月03日 07:24 所貼文




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