What was in the Heather Civic Marina Light Trap?

One component of the overall False Creek BioBlitz project, occurring over the summer of 2022, is the Hakai Institute’s Sentinels of Change Initiative. This is a collaborative community science project investigating the dynamics and patterns of invertebrate recruitment and biodiversity and how they are changing in the Salish Sea. False Creek Friends Society took on this role locally by adopting a light trap (the device used to attract and collect larval invertebrates and fish), installing the trap at Heather Civic Marina and recruiting and training volunteers to monitor the trap and record observations, with assistance from Hakai scientists.

Nina, a ‘False Creek Light Trapper’ wrote about her experience:

I usually check the trap at Heather Marina with my family and other volunteers, but this Friday the day got hectic and it ended up being just me there on my own. I had checked the trap enough times that I felt pretty confident that I could do it.

I pulled the trap out of the water slowly and maneuvered it onto the dock. When I first emptied the trap into the bin I noticed just one pipe fish and another small fish. It looked like another standard catch. I rinsed out the trap with some more seawater and poured that into the bin too.

That’s when something caught my eye, something that looked different from all the other times I had checked the trap.

Find out what Nina observed in the light trap: READ MORE

由使用者 k_henderson k_henderson2022年07月21日 19:35 所貼文




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