St. Thomas' 2022, Day 270

57 degrees, 87% humidity, wind 1 mph NNE, cloudless morning. A cold front came through but no rain. It's cold in the shade.
Overflight of three Kildeer, all calling as they flew NNW up the bayou. Northen Parula, house sparrow, tufted titmouse, Carolina chickadee, blue jay, pileated woodpecker, Nothern mockingbird, Northern Cardinal, Mourning dove, black-bellied whistling ducks, downy woodpecker, Carolina wren, brown thrasher, pine warbler calling. Three jays fighting. Eight black-bellied whistling ducks flying around trees on the W bank of Bayou Desiard. Great Egret roosting on a Cypress tree.
Lots of raccoon prints just south of the pavilion, more on E side of church in the sand to the S of the parking lot. Fox squirrel fussing at something below is oak tree; I couldn't see what.
Only 5% of crape myrtle blossoms left. Leaves on camelia starting to yellow, 25%. Smooshed red oak acorns and pine cones scales on the walking path. Poison ivy turning orange/red by the Bayou. A few roses left on the bushes behind the church.
Slime mold on NNW base of pine near parking lot. Stereum complicatum on fallen branches in SE of property, covered with fuzzy brown fungus.
Very tiny (1mm) tick on my phone.

由使用者 kimmiepaxton kimmiepaxton2022年09月27日 13:50 所貼文




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