Excluding Taxa from Identify

Whipped up a little experiment to see how useful it would be to exclude taxa from Identify, for anyone interested.

Non-lichenized Fungi: http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?taxon_id=47170&without_taxon_id=54743,117869,152030,152028

Moths (i.e. Lepidoptera without butterflies): http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?taxon_id=47157&without_taxon_id=47224,47654

Invertebrates: http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?taxon_id=1&without_taxon_id=2

Vascular Plants w/o Grasses: http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?taxon_id=211194&without_taxon_id=47162

Haven't committed to the extent of adding UI for it. Holler if you find this useful. Obvious doesn't deal with situations where people ID things at a high level, e.g. lichens ID'd as "Fungi" are going to appear in that non-lichenized fungi search. Also, since this is based on IDs, these URLs will break after drastic, high-level taxon changes, but there shouldn't be too many of those. Also have not added this to obs search, just Identify.

由使用者 kueda kueda2016年09月13日 19:44 所貼文


The non-lichenized fungi grid looks a lot more digestible for this Lecanor-ignoramus.
@noah_siegel - check it out.

發佈由 leptonia 超過 7 年 前

Looks interesting and like it would be quite useful for someone who is looking for specific taxa. So in the following string that is the last part of your moth ID link, does 47157 = moths, and 47224%2C47654 are butterfly taxa? Apologies, but I'm not very familiar with decoding this sort of thing!


發佈由 beschwar 超過 7 年 前

That's right, and the %2C is just an encoded comma. You can always look up the ID of a taxon by going to it's iNat page and clicking "Permalink" in the upper right. That will take you to a page like http://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/47224-Papilionoidea, so you know the ID of that taxon is 47224.

發佈由 kueda 超過 7 年 前

First off, Everybody is a Lecanorignoramus!
Second, is there a table of the major group ID's that regular identifiers could look up their groups to include and exclude?
For this bryologist, exclusions could simply be done by asking for the order name of the group I would want to look at.
Not to change the subject, but I will. I have been looking for a forum where I could make the following suggestion: Could you put a button on the ID form for each observation that would get the original photo? Since so many bryo photos are poor, I need to look at the highest resolution I can get on a regular basis. It is time expensive to go to the observation to get to the original photo. I imagine this would be useful for insects and other tiny things too.

發佈由 kkellman 超過 7 年 前

Ken, there's no table, but you can go to the relevant taxon pages and use the permalink approach described above to get the taxon ID you want to exclude. To see the original size of a photo in Identify, click the photo. It should load the original size.

發佈由 kueda 超過 7 年 前

Ooo, this is great! I was imaging a feature like this would be useful! Thanks for sharing. I imagine more people would use it if you post to the Google group too (apologies if I missed it).

發佈由 carrieseltzer 超過 7 年 前

I'd love a taxon entry for Non-passerine birds! Great idea @kueda !

發佈由 danomaha 約 7 年 前

Well, we do not support taxon entries for things that aren't taxa, like non-passerine birds, but you can exclude things from Identify, e.g. only showing observations of non-passerine birds: http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?taxon_id=3&without_taxon_id=7251

發佈由 kueda 約 7 年 前


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