Update about exploration missions around Italy, Matese park

The exploration mission in the identified habitats bordering the Matese park in Campania and Molise is continuing well. The map analysis has so far been followed by six explorations carried out during August, September, October and November. The nature of the calcareous soil, the climate, however, hot and dry, and the now inevitable decrease in temperatures are contributing to conditions that are, still, not optimal for the abundant development of coprophimic fungi, so that this year it would seem difficult to fully assess the potential biodiversity of these mountains. Nevertheless, it has so far been possible to identify different species of fungi, some of which are wild shrooms; when the rains arrive, we will return to explore.


Mush Love @naturalmao

由使用者 naturalmao naturalmao2022年11月11日 13:16 所貼文




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