374-Build a more complete picture of the wildlife in your local area

  • Build a more complete picture of the wildlife in your local area https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/a-tool-to-help-you-fill-local-data-gaps-easily-missed/37575
    "Easily Missed" is a tool to help iNaturalist recorders identify local gaps in species records. The tool builds a list of species that have been recorded in your region (within 5km of where you are). The tool then helps you prioritise species to fill data gaps by determining which of these species haven't been recorded in your local area (within 1km). By filling local data gaps you'll boost your area's "doughnut score"; the percentage of species recorded locally compared to the wider region. The +/- numbers indicate change over the past 30 days.

  • Chrome browser extension about the same topic on other sites. Example Inaturalist.

    An introduction to

    Entity Explosion, a new browser extension

    (available in Chrome and Firefox), that while browsing, lets you discover links and information about the same topic on other sites.

    Download now for free at:

    Centralised discussion at:
    Webpages used in the demonstration:
    Discover links and information about the same topic on other sites. Data live from Wikidata.
    Say you're on a webpage about a particular thing ("entity"). Click on Entity Explosion to get information about that entity, and an explosion of links to other sites about that same entity.

    Even before you click, the icon will light up red if the URL you are on matches a set of formats for which information may be available. Once you click, it will either turn green if it can find information, or black if it can't.

    The data provided is sourced from Wikidata, via the Wikidata Query Service, a site run by the Wikimedia Foundation. Entity Explosion is not endorsed by or affiliated with the Wikimedia Foundation.

    The URL and language (only) will only be sent out as a part of a query when you click the extension, so your browsing privacy is protected.

    Some big sites it works on include: Wikipedia, iNaturalist, IMDB, PubMed, Twitter, Spotify, YouTube, VIAF, Facebook, Instagram, GBIF, and GeoNames, but in total there are over 5000 connected sites including libraries, galleries, museums, archives.

    This extension is in development, so you can expect occasional changes. I would welcome feedback at https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Entity_Explosion

  • Build a more complete picture of the wildlife in your local area
    "Easily Missed" is a tool to help iNaturalist recorders identify local gaps in species records. The tool builds a list of species that have been recorded in your region (within 5km of where you are). The tool then helps you prioritise species to fill data gaps by determining which of these species haven't been recorded in your local area (within 1km). By filling local data gaps you'll boost your area's "doughnut score"; the percentage of species recorded locally compared to the wider region. The +/- numbers indicate change over the past 30 days.
  • https://www.rtvdrenthe.nl/nieuws/15149069/vogelgriep-gevolgen-voor-pluimveehouders-natuur-en-onze-portemonnee

  • eestal kun je aan het metselverband zien of een gebouw een spouw heeft (geen 100% zekerheid). Een goede website met veel informatie hierover is: https://www.joostdevree.nl/shtmls/metselverbanden_voorbeelden.shtml#staand_verband
    Deze website geeft ook een aantal methodes om de ontdekken of een muur een spouwmuur heeft: https://www.joostdevree.nl/shtmls/spouwmuur.shtml

  • Op de Gemeentelijke Bomenkaart: https://groningen.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=71e0b35f02f8438a9dd689b611ff7490&fbclid=IwAR1fOPTA0l6w2STHIcQYCF_qgpkxK1nyfY-K7FQiiI1qnTyxXCIBq0_Ndzk kun je bekijken waar binnen de gemeente het komend jaar bomen vanuit onderhoud verwijderd worden. Ook de onderhoudsprojecten: https://gemeente.groningen.nl/bomenbeleid en de herplant plekken zijn hier te vinden.
    Bron: Gemeente Groningen - Nieuwsbrief West

  • eestal kun je aan het metselverband zien of een gebouw een spouw heeft (geen 100% zekerheid). Een goede website met veel informatie hierover is: https://www.joostdevree.nl/shtmls/metselverbanden_voorbeelden.shtml#staand_verband
    Deze website geeft ook een aantal methodes om de ontdekken of een muur een spouwmuur heeft: https://www.joostdevree.nl/shtmls/spouwmuur.shtml
  • https://www.labor.uevora.pt/en/atlas-das-aves-invernantes-e-migradoras-de-portugal/
    O primeiro Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal é uma obra que deve orgulhar quem nela participou. Foi um projecto de muitos ornitólogos, amadores e profissionais. Cada um, à sua medida, deu um contributo significativo para o maior trabalho ornitológico colectivo dos últimos 10 anos. O trabalho de campo produziu quase quatro mil horas de censo e 150 mil registos, cobrindo três quartos do território nacional, só nas visitas sistemáticas. No total foram registadas mais de 400 espécies de aves. São resultados extraordinários, para um projecto de âmbito nacional, cujo trabalho de campo decorreu em apenas dois anos.

    Esta obra foi co-financiada pelo Fundo EDP para a Biodiversidade 2010 e envolveu as seguintes entidades: Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, LabOr- Laboratório de Ornitologia, ICAAM, Universidade de Évora, Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas, Instituto das Florestas e Conservação da Natureza, Secretaria Regional da Energia, Ambiente e Turismo (Açores), e Associação Portuguesa de Anilhadores de Aves.

    A versão PDF do Atlas pode ser descarregada em: http://bit.ly/atlas_aves.


  • https://www.youtube.com/@arisebiodiversity/videos

  • 由使用者 ahospers ahospers2022年11月29日 18:11 所貼文




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