Campanula rotundifolia Complex (Harebells)

Taxon Split 2024

The taxon split on March 12, 2024 has divided the Harebell Complex based on geographic ranges. This flag contains history of some of the discussion about this split on iNat.

This taxonomy is debated among experts (of which I am not). It seems like many will prefer to use C. rotundifolia for all Harebells. There are sections of overlap in ranges of these species, but the only species in range following the Plants of the World for the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem is Campanula petiolata.

I had previously been identifying harebells at the complex and marking community ID as good as it can be. I might start IDing with C. petiolata, but still marking any observation IDed with 2 IDs in the complex as “as good as it can get”. That will get them out of Needs ID so they don’t accumulate a large number of IDs that are really about an unsettled taxonomic debate .

Links to iNat pages for each select species and their Ranges according to Plants of the World:

I previously IDed these to the Campanula Rotundifolia Complex where relevant per this discussion.

Discussions elsewhere on iNaturalist:

由使用者 whitneybrook whitneybrook2022年12月02日 20:32 所貼文




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