January Virtual Seminar

Gathering Plants and Mushrooms in Local Parks and Forests:
A Practice That Supports Cultural Identity, Connection with Nature, and Stewardship

January 9, 5:00PM EST


Did you know that local parks and forests often have a variety of edible plants and mushrooms? Some people often harvest those species to obtain culturally relevant food and connect with their heritage, among other reasons. As someone who gathered mushrooms back home, Tatiana Marquita was curious to learn more about this practice in the context of U.S. cities. In this talk, she will share the results of her research on the significance of foraging among some immigrant communities in NYC and beyond. Tatiana will also explore how this practice might intersect with environmental stewardship and ecosystem management.

Tatiana Marquita is an environmental scientist with an MA in Environmental Planning and PhD in Natural Resources. Her work explores how interactions with nature help us improve well-being, as well as foster environmental care and stewardship. She is also interested in the use of nature-based solutions to help reduce the risks associated with natural hazards such as flooding or erosion. Tatiana currently lives in Puerto Rico where she collaborates with the local government to assist them with the recovery from the damages of hurricane Maria and strategies for building resilience.

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