FEB 2023 - Rouge National Urban Park, sightings of the month - Northern Pintail

While the interior of Rouge National Urban Park appeared fairly quiet in February, the action this month was taking place at the mouth of the Rouge River where it empties into Lake Ontario.
Here at the most southern end of the Park among the many Mallards, Trumpeter Swans and small groups of Bufflehead and Goldeneyes were a few notable dabbling ducks that flew in for a short stay. Unlike diving ducks, dabbling ducks feed just beneath the surface by tipping up headfirst, butt held high as they forage for aquatic plants, pondweeds, algae and hunt for crustaceans and insects. Alternatively they may feed by stretching out the neck while padddling about skimming the water surface.

This month’s sighting is of a pair of Northern Pintail ducks by @firebreathingcookie . The male and female pair have been lingering about the lower river and marsh area for a few weeks and have been seen by birders and passerbys alike. An elegant looking male sporting a white slash running down his neck (Left), while his female partner is seen (Right).

Click on photo to see full observation details including when and where in the park these ducks were seen.

Northern Pintail Anas acura , photos (L & R) credit @firebreathingcookie

Another dabbling duck seen in the vicinity is runner-up for sighting of the month, a male American Wigeon observed by @pinemartyn
Both species of ducks are most commonly seen during migration periods in our area.

Click on photos to see full observation details including when and where in the park these ducks were seen.

American Widgeon Mareca americana , photo credit @pinemartyn

Please check back for next months sighting!

由使用者 pinemartyn pinemartyn2023年03月03日 11:13 所貼文




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