Taxonomy Nerds Rejoice!

Want to see a taxonomically ordered list of all the organisms for a project? This fun little search string from the iNaturalist forum (and from bouteloua via dianastuder) gives you an ordered list of all the organisms in a particular project (in this case, for my yard):

This makes it easier to spot particularly diverse groups. For example, I know I have a good array of woodpeckers (4 species in family Picidae), but not knowing the bird families well, I was a bit surprised to realize they were rivaled by 4 species of orioles & blackbirds (family Icteridae) and 4 species of finches (family Fringillidae) and outnumbered by sparrows & co. (family Passerellidae, 5 species). However, 9 species of orbweavers (family Araneidae) mean the spiders have even higher family diversity, and don't get me started on the butterflies...

由使用者 m_whitson m_whitson2023年03月30日 03:09 所貼文


Yah, that's pretty cool. Works for places too...

This means that if someone has set up a "place" for the nature preserve nearest your project, you can look at the list for the preserve. Compare it to the list for your project. See what they have that you don't. See what you have that they don't. Run amok! Seems like it'd be even more interesting for neighboring preserves to compare using observations of volunteer visitors.

發佈由 stockslager 超過 1 年 前

Oooo.. or you can try it for your county to see how it compares to your yard. Interesting...

發佈由 m_whitson 超過 1 年 前


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