“MAY the 4th WE BE WITH YOU”!  -NEWS

surprisedSan Antonio Metro Area is running a very tight friendly race for 3rd place in the Texas City Nature Challenge! The observation period for City Nature Challenge and the intra-Nature Challenges in the umbrella projects has wrapped up as of May 1st and it is exciting to see we (San Antonio Metro Area) have collectively contributed over 18.2K observations so far! Out doing our previous years in observations and species counts.

🌿 Some quick reminders about the next steps for CNC this week: 

  • 🌺We are now in the uploading and identification period. Technically you all have until 9 am on Monday, May 8th to get all your observations uploaded. You can upload any photos/recording you took from April 28th - May 1st. The sooner the better- to help identify before then and get them to “Research Grade”, if possible.
  • 🌵 A reminder to everyone that we’re really hoping to document wild plants and animals, and if they did make observations of organisms they know are not wild, to please mark them as captive/cultivated (and as people work to identify observations, they can also mark anyone’s observation as not wild in the Data Quality Assessment section)
  • 🌳 Global CNC admin organizers will record our city’s results as of 9am on Monday, May 8, and will send out the full results and infographic around 4-5 pm. Will share as soon as we receive them via Journal Notes.


foot-in-mouthOpen – Q&A Zoom Calls:

Being that we are in a tight race, and we have some new iNaturalist users and enquiring minds that may have questions! Zoom Meeting Calls have been created for Q&A for participants that may need some help with CNC – iNaturalist.


  • Quick status of City Nature Challenge and the Umbrella project.
  • Now what – I made my observations; how do I agree or disagree?
    (hint: Best to go to your iNaturalist dashboard and review)
  • What is the identification period?
  • What questions you may have about CNC-iNaturalist. Observations / Identification.

San Antonio Metro Area – Zoom Calls Open to the public. If you have CNC or iNaturalist questions hopefully you can make one of these calls .

  • May 4th – 11:30am – 12:30pm è Zoom Q&A Call#1 - Register Here
  • May 4th – 06:00pm – 07:00pm è Zoom Q&A Call#2 - Register Here
  • May 5th --11:30am –12:30pm è Zoom Q&A Call#3 - Register Here


coolNEW- This Year - "After Party"

In partnership with the San Antonio River Authoring and the SARA – River Warriors, plans are in motion for a “iNaturalist – City Nature Challenge 2023 After Party" in late June. Covering CNC Results and your contributions. Details -TBD. Stay Tune! 

Hoping you all had incredible events both public and private, time outdoors walking the trails or just in your backyard, and some exciting moments documenting nature. Thank you for all your amazing contributions and continued support to make the City Nature Challenge – San Antonio Metro Area successful. 

Quote from Star Wars on this day:

“Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.” —Yoda

由使用者 peterjoseph peterjoseph2023年05月04日 13:54 所貼文


I am happy to be part of it in a very small part.

Your efforts are admirable.
Thank you. Liz Robbins AAMN

發佈由 elizabethgrobbins 超過 1 年 前

LIZ - Thank You!laughing

Coming from you,
my Texas Master Naturalist mentor,  means a lot!


One more Yoda quote from Star Wars (1980): 
"Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter."


Thanks again
Best Regards,


發佈由 peterjoseph 超過 1 年 前


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