Eastern Pacific Nudibranch News: First Rfemsia macfarlandi on iNat, AND a southern range extension!

Thank you Sonja @squishlefish for the find with Laura @thetidepooler of Refemsia macfarlandi, a very small, rare species of heterobranch today. 😊 A bit of a weirdo, it is the only species in the genus. It was first described in 1991 by @tgosliner and according to Behrens, et al, 2022, it ranges from Lincoln County, Oregon to Long Beach, California. However, today’s observation is from La Jolla, California! @jeffgoddard and @lutea11 check this out. Possibly more evidence of Eastern Pacific species moving southward (La Niña!?) this year?


Congratulations on a very interesting find!!

由使用者 anudibranchmom anudibranchmom2023年06月11日 01:42 所貼文


Thank you so much! It's very exciting. Hopefully I'll be able to find more!

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