An awesome iNaturalist year!

iNaturalist was one of my favorite things in 2016. I made a secret resolution to myself a year ago to try and make an observation every day, and then I promptly failed at that right away (missing January 4). Still, I tried to make observations on as many days as possible, and did manage every day in July (then blew that streak when I my iPhone was stolen in August).

I made 2313 observations this year of 809+ species (to all of you who manage to do more, I am super impressed! I'm not sure I'll be able to do as many in 2017). Exactly 1000 were made on National Park Service lands for the 2016 Servicewide NPS BioBlitz. I helped plan a ridiculously large BioBlitz in Washington, D.C. (but made only a few observations during that one), went to the Masonville Cove BioBlitz, attended BioBlitz Korea and spread the word about iNaturalist, and visited Acadia National Park for their longest-running NPS BioBlitz. But my most observation-full trip was a 10-day RV trip in June with my husband, daughter, and parents visiting National Parks in Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. I haven't spent much time in deserts so most everything was new. My philosophy was to photograph everything that was blooming, moving, or dead.

At the end of August, I left my job at National Geographic to start a fellowship at the National Science Foundation. My new job is 100% inside (instead of just 95%!), but it has taken me to Qatar, France, Belgium, and California in the last 3 months, so I've tried to take advantage of that as best I can (really kicking myself for failing to make an observation during my 24 hours in Belgium).

There are so many things to love about iNaturalist, but I love the people the most. I am so excited about the newcomers who joined this year, especially the ones who came in through BioBlitzes. There are too many of you to tag—even just those I know personally! I have also loved getting to know some of you as Facebook friends, even though we haven't (yet!) met in person. I am very appreciative of CalAcademy's continued support of iNaturalist so that the awesome staff can continue to support and grow this community. I visited San Francisco earlier this month and saw all the iNaturalist staff at CalAcademy—@tiwane, @loarie, @kueda, @alexshepard, and @joelle (with a virtual sighting of @pleary). While in the Bay Area I also got a late night tour of Oakland with @damontighe and went tide pooling (for the first time in ages) with @rebeccafay, @kestrel, @robberfly, @dpom, and @reallifeecology.

To my DC area iNaturalists, I'm excited to see more of you in 2017 if we can get a monthly meet up going. I'm planning the first one on January 7th at my house—bring your laptop and some food or drink to share. (Chime in on this post). Are any other cities currently having regular meet ups? Anyone else want to start?

Thanks to all for a great iNaturalist 2016 and cheers to more observations, identifications, and new naturalist friends in 2017!

由使用者 carrieseltzer carrieseltzer2017年01月01日 00:02 所貼文


What a fantastic post and good luck for an exceptional 2017 i-naturalizing year!

發佈由 rjadams55 大約 8 年 前

One of my resolutions is to meet you in 2017. Or at least... sometime. :)

發佈由 sambiology 大約 8 年 前

Fantastic day on the reef with you, Carrie. The iNaturalist Community is at its best when we all meet one another and walk each other through our atea's passions. You are a whip smart woman. Nice memories of getting you back downtown on the Underground on the way home...

發佈由 robberfly 大約 8 年 前

Thanks for sharing, and looking forward to meet this 7th.

發佈由 jackcamino 大約 8 年 前

Hi Carrie,

Thanks for connecting with me; it's been a while. I continue to infrequently collect roadkill observations, mostly these days from my vehicle. I guess I want the roadkill victims to "not have died in vain," so I upload observations as the "last full measure of their devotion."

Are you familiar with Monarch Watch? I've pasted a portion of a recent email I received from that group. They're starting a citizen science effort to support their program. Wouldn't it be great if iNaturalist and Monarch Watch could share their data (if they are not already). It also would be great if iNaturalist and Monarch Watch could collaborate on collecting citizen science observations of imperiled pollinators (butterflies, moths, bees, including bumblebees, and others).

Anyway, great haring from you.

Steve Rohmann

Mar 31 (3 days ago)

Greetings Monarch Watchers!

Monarch Watch is seeking the immediate assistance of hundreds of monarch enthusiasts (citizen scientists) in collecting observations of monarchs in their area during the spring and fall. This project is an attempt to assemble quantitative data on monarch numbers at critical times during the breeding season. The data from these observations will be used to assess their value in predicting trends in the population.

[ This new project was just posted via the Monarch Watch Blog – if you would prefer to read about it there, please visit ]

發佈由 steveo54 超過 7 年 前

Hi @steveo54! I agree it is always nice when projects can collaborate. Right now Monarch Watch collects at least one kind of data that iNaturalist can't: absence data (zeros).

Did I already tell you about the upcoming City Nature Challenge? Hope you can get out and make some observations this weekend! (and sorry if I already told you about it)

發佈由 carrieseltzer 超過 7 年 前


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