Rhigioglossa (Rhigioglossa) edentula Wiedemann, 1828 - Identification

Frons mostly shining black with large callus. Eyes bare. Antennae black. Body covered with tawny hairs.
Male: Head with eyes broadly touching and upper eye-facets enlarged. Thorax shiny black. Femora black, tibiae largely brown or reddish. Wings clear, or faintly tinted along veins, with light brown costal cell. Abdomen dorsally shining black with basal three tergites orange at sides (with decreasing width). Reminder of abdominal tegites black with yellow, hairy hind margins.

Original description by Wiedemann:

Description by Macquart (Erodiorhynchus eristaloides)
with illustration (fig 1): https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/109528#page/259/mode/1up

Male head illustrated in Chainey 1987: https://journals.co.za/doi/pdf/10.10520/AJA03040798_420

Beware: It can be confused with Rhigioglossa capensis.

A common species in the Cape from Namaqualand to Willowmore. Often seen on orange and yellow spring daisies (such as Didelta, Dimorphotheca and Osteospermum), covered in pollen. The most commonly represented Rhigioglossa s. str. in institutional collections.

iNat observations:
Female: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/103181590
Male: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/102290967

由使用者 traianbertau traianbertau2023年07月31日 16:26 所貼文


Why if it is the " most commonly represented Rhigioglossa s. str. in institutional collections." do we have only 1 example on iNat so far?

發佈由 tonyrebelo 約 1 年 前

We have a few more by now.

發佈由 traianbertau 約 1 年 前


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