5/29/2012 Our tour day

On this day our waterfowl group along with the birds group did our student led tours down at the Union Bay Natural Area. Some of us went down to UBNA a bit early to check if the waterfowl were in the places that we expected them to be. Everything seemed okay, but in Tim's station where mallards were very popular, there seemed to be none when we went to check the area before class. Luckily some mallards showed up during a few of Tim's presentation. Kate also brought the species I.D guide which none of us new she was doing, and it turned out to be really nice for our fellow classmates to look at and understand which waterfowl is which. Overall I think our groups presentation went well, though I think the nerves of presenting got to some of us, including myself, as I noticed our timing was slightly off. Other than that I say "good job waterfowl group".

由使用者 jinam22 jinam222012年06月05日 15:47 所貼文




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