Curious About Clastoptera?

Clastopterid Spittlebugs are notoriously difficult to identify externally. I have made a preliminary visual guide to the Clastoptera species of the United States and Canada, based on authoritatively identified specimens.

由使用者 nomolosx nomolosx2023年10月29日 18:56 所貼文


Nice work! Thanks for your efforts on this.

發佈由 mpelikan 10 個月 前

Great work. Great help. Thank you.

發佈由 vcharny 10 個月 前

I appreciate the feedback, thank you!

發佈由 nomolosx 10 個月 前

I should examine C. obtusa s.l. with more attention next time I see it .

發佈由 vcharny 10 個月 前

@vcharny I should note—as currently defined C. obtusa is the only member of that complex in the east, the rest are western @vcharny
there are subspecies of C. obtusa in the east which need to be better looked at, Doering (1928) did not review the terminalia of the subspecies and they may need to be synonymized. C. obtusa tristis lacks the white bands on the wings, C. obtusa borealis has the white bands on the wing very distinct, and C. obtusa obtusa has the white bands "much less distinct, barely discernible."

發佈由 nomolosx 10 個月 前


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