NOVEMBER 2023 - Rouge National Urban Park, sighting of the month - Long-eared Owl

Whoo…, Whoo…, Whoo…, Whoo. If you’re lucky enough to hear that sound you might be in the vicinity of a Long-eared Owl.
Primarily a nocturnal hunter but usually starting at dusk and finishing just before dawn. These owls patrol over open fields, clearings and grasslands. They fly silently along, a couple metres above the ground listening intently for any prey that passes beneath them. Sensing their favourite meal (Voles) they pounce down and catch by their sharp talons, then kill by biting and crushing the neck or back of the head before swallowing whole.

This Owl with its long ears which aren’t actually ears but tufts of feathers (its real ears are on the side of its head ), orange facial disk and big yellow eyes have @galloots13 locked in its sight!
Click on photo to see full observation details including when and where in the park this bird was seen.

Asio outs , photo credit @galloots13

Please check back for next months sighting!

Rouge National Urban Park -Birds. Thanks for subscribing @juliaphillips @bam_lee @brithikesontario @galloots13 @kkachurina @marymakc @firebreathingcookie @allthingsnature @gary-james @tswabey @marlene-d @kellysteele @jjwool2

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