No Such Thing as a Free Lunch

An animal control journal from March 27, 2019...

Raccoon in Trap
© Photographer: William Wise | iNat Observation: 22319239 - Common Raccoon; Walton County, Georgia. March 27, 2019.

The proverb “There is no such thing as a free lunch” just isn’t true… especially if you’re an opportunistic raccoon without a picky palate! Raccoons have a way of capitalizing on human wastefulness! ​I can’t really find fault with his opportunism, but this roving raccoon left a big mess of overturned trash cans in an office complex for three nights in a row. Even with secured lids, this guy was quite crafty and determined to get his free meal. So, capitalizing on his insatiable appetite, some irresistible delicacies were placed in a humane trap and he was successfully moved down the road a bit. I'm sure they wouldn’t have minded his after-hours visits if he would have cleaned up after himself!

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