How iNaturalist is Life Changing (Podcast Episode)

Like for so many, iNaturalist has been a life changer for me. It's a huge part of the equation that has set me on to devote my life to nature conservation.

I want to share how great iNat is and encourage more people to use it, so I've created a new podcast episode as part of my Jumpstart Nature organization:

#5: Every Observation a Discovery: How iNaturalist Changes Lives and Changes Science

This 20 minute episode shares insights and perspectives from three iNat super users, @joemdo @gyrrlfalcon and @catchang. It's jam-packed, fast moving, and hopefully entertaining! And it is narrated/hosted by Griff @griffith .

Our podcast audiences are generally "nature curious" people who are looking for inspiration to take their next step in helping the environment, i.e. generally people who aren't already using iNaturalist. So our goal was to inspire, and perhaps reveal some new ways to look at iNat.

Let me know what you think!

由使用者 naturesarchive naturesarchive2024年04月22日 13:28 所貼文


Hey Michael- Really great podcast, just took a listen. You may want to share this on the iNat Forum.

發佈由 catchang 2 個月 前

Thanks Cat - I'll do that. Thank you again for participating!

發佈由 naturesarchive 2 個月 前

Ditto, it's a really good episode and rings so very true of my own life changes since getting on iNat. Thank you, Michael, Griff, and the rest of the team for making this :)

發佈由 scubabruin 2 個月 前

I really enjoyed this podcast (my first one with Jumpstart Nature). Thanks to all the talented folks who put it together.

發佈由 debkccb 2 個月 前


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