South Section - May 1, 2024

I walked the south section of Alma Bridge Road, from the intersection at Aldercroft Heights Road to the stop sign.
Time: 9:05 am - 11:00 am
Weather: Clear skies, slight wind. Temperature started at 58 degrees F, and climbed to 65 degrees F by the end of the patrol
Traffic: 7 cars; 7 trucks; 1 3+-axle truck; 10 bicyclists; 1 pedestrian (runner); 6 parked cars (2 of which were surveying the road)
Newts: 0 dead newts; 0 live newts

由使用者 motherpurina motherpurina2024年05月01日 20:46 所貼文


Correction to my original journal post. I walked the South section of ABR, not the north section.

發佈由 motherpurina 5 個月 前


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