Publications and communications

This journal post is to keep track of articles and podcasts I've participated in.

Articles and podcasts:
• Jumpstart Nature Podcast #5
"The New Naturalists" by Mary Ellen Hannibal, Fall 2019 Bay Nature
"If the Green Stuff in the California Trees Is Not Spanish Moss, What Is It?" by Cat Chang, Ask the Naturalist, Winter 2018 Bay Nature

Publications and websites:
Sesia tibiale Cover photo for Lepidoptera Novae, ed. Dr. John B. Heppner, 2024 with permission.
Vespula sulphurea used in The Social Wasps of North America, Chris Alice Kratzer with permission. Orders at
Medetera diadema used in Naturalist Training series for Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful by Barbara Banfield and Eddie Dunbar by permission.
Parnassius behrii used with permission in Yosemite Wildlife by Beth Pratt and Robb Hirsch to be published by Yosemite Conservancy in fall 2025.
Chlosyne whitneyi used with permission in field guide by Denver Botanic Gardens.
Allokermes rattani on at
Aglaothorax ovatus in Field Guide to California Insects: Second Edition, Vol. 111, California Natural History Guides by Kip Will, Joyce Gross, Daniel Rubinoff, & Jerry A. Powell. Used with permission.

由使用者 catchang catchang2024年05月03日 19:11 所貼文


Cool! Great idea!

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