First video about the indipendent research "Psilosoma project"

First video about the project of study "Psilosoma" and an invitation to get involved and to cooperate to in future studies and disclosures. In the video we show some of the local wild magic mushrooms species that we found and discovered into Galicia and Portugal and that need additional studies and support.
Enjoy this video edited thanks to Mehrdad and the naturalist doctor Fabio Mao Valletta : .
This project want contribute to fulfill the lack into knowledge of magic mushrooms species distribution, local strains and uses known around the around the world. Mushrooms can save the world, and thanks to recent studies, we are discovering that magic mushrooms are much more widespread than we knew and that they can be useful tools for treat depression and get out from addictions. These species may contain other compounds, including poisons and toxins, and they require to perform further chemical analyses and studies on the improvement of identification criteria and actual distribution, so this is not a list of species considered safe for consumption as psychedelics. The risk of misidentification with other taxa (some of which are potentially toxic) that share the same habitat and fruiting season, makes it necessary to educate the public about taxa cerapters, by this mycological divulgation.
I'm the Dr. naturalist Fabio Mao Valletta and I would like to build up a moving lab and working team with others professionals and so that we can collect and examine samples of these fungi and divulge some data, such as videos, pictures, documents and other interesting records. I want to invite all the professionals and enthusiasts who can be interested to get involved in this biogeographical scientific study project. You are welcome to follow the updates, take part, and support the project PsiloSoma on Inaturalist, on the Youtube channel "naturalmao" and we are on linkedin and Instagram too. If do you have samples to identify, suggestions, questions, or you wants get just involved contact the following mail Please Don’t use drugs or alcohol to escape your problems and check the legal status of psilocybin mushrooms, in the area you are researching.
To support the project, offer your volounter work, share materials and tools, or to pay expenses to realize exploring missions, chemical analisis too, you can make a donation to the bank account Fabio Valletta IT70C 02008 32974 001254569516 or among other things, you can add your observations to this project, send us samples to study, dinamyze data sharing, suggest species and envirovments around or invite us to explore the biodiversity of shrooms in your area.
Thank you and Mush love

shroom #psilocybin #mushrooms #research #naturalmao #spain #iberia

PsiloSoma #galicia #portugal #magicmushrooms #wild #mushroom #psilocybe #gallaeciae #semilanceata #liniformans #fimentaria #panaeolus #cinctulus

PsiloSoma #project in #galicia and #portugal PsiloSoma Project

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